The Green Mile by Stephen King Book Journal 10-1-2015

The Green Mile

Book Journal

In the story The Green Mile a man by the name John Coffey is send to prison for the rape of two girls. When John Coffey came in to the green mile the captain Paul was surprised how big he was because of his size which was 6 feet 8 inches. In E block there   had been only two prisoners when John Coffey came. That had been Edward Delacqod and mister toots. Soon after John Coffey had been the third one to walk the green mile. When he had come the guards thought that he was a freak because he had been so big. The guards had been Paul, which John called boss then there had been Percy Wetmore which was the green mile idiot Coffey had been afraid of. Soon came another man that John Coffey was afraid of. That had been Wild Bill whom the guards called the trouble maker. The reason the guards called him that was because he had given the guards a hard time. He had given them a hard time while they were putting him in his cell, he had peed on a guard . That had earned him a bath with the high powered water hose. During the time that John Coffey had been on the line the guards had found that he had a special gift. They had found that out when John had breathed life back in to Dellacwod’s dead mouse. When that happened the guards thought that John Coffey could help the wife of one of the guards . So one night Paul and some other guards when to out to the other guards house with John Coffey so that he could help the dying lady. John just did not pay any attention. He stepped close and kissed the sick lady, and told her to stay as still as possible. He slowly kissed the sick lady again, then the sickness went away. She could now get out of bed. She got out of bed and ran to John Coffey and asked him to please take her necklace as a gift.

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